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Weblog-Berichte zu: Fluch der Karibik

The Elevator story Sherlock Holmes, Fluch der Karibik, Star Trek, Dr. House, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Doctor Who & Torchwood, Iron Man, The Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who, House MD / Dr. House, Ironman, Sherlock (BBC), star trek, Supernatural, The Big Bang Theorie

Autor:  konpaku

Zu meinem Weblog von vor einem Monat: Imagine all these guys stuck in an elevator... gibt es übrigens die Geschichte, die ich erzähle auch als "Fanfiction" Zusammenfassung.
Das gute Stück heißt "The Elevator" und ist hier zu finden: http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/fanfiction/autor/487846/324678/

Imagine all these guys were stuck in an elevator… Sherlock Holmes, Fluch der Karibik, Star Trek, Dr. House, Supernatural (TV-Serie), Doctor Who & Torchwood, Iron Man, The Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who, House MD / Dr. House, Ironman, Sherlock (BBC), star trek, Supernatural, The Big Bang Theorie

Autor:  konpaku

If you are amongst the people that look around the Internet for (funny) things concerning your fandoms than you probably came across this thing at some point:


So why am I writing about this?
Well, I started thinking about it when my brain was supposed to think about other – way more important – things and that usually ends up as a post…

Anyway, let’s have a look at this situation:

Eight guys from several different fandoms get stuck in an elevator for 24 hours.
In my opinion more interesting than: What would happen if they all were stuck? is: How the hell did they all end up in the same elevator? But before we get to that.

Who are these guys anyway?

We have: Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory, Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, The Doctor from Doctor Who, (Reboot) Spock from Star TrekDr. House from House M.D., Castiel from Supernatural, Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock and Tony Stark from Iron Man/The Marvel Cinematic Universe.
You could pretty much say that every person derives from a different universe, at least that’s what it looks like. Based on what we know of the stories and the connections between them we can soon come to some interesting conclusion:

  • Sheldon is a fan of both DW and ST and as Comic Book nerd he of course knows about Iron Man – all of them fictional in his universe.
  • There is however no – to me known – mentioning of House, Supernatural or PotC, yet the last two are most likely fiction as well
  • There is no mentioning of TBBT or House in one of the other formats
  • Sherlock seems to be fiction in all of the universes.
  • Except the one version of ST where Spock quotes Sherlock and says the line is from one of his ancestors.
  • Whereas Sherlock is mocked by John Watson for quoting Spock, making ST fiction in his universe.
  • Same goes for DW, when Rose Tyler calls the Doctor “Spock”
  • TBBT, House and Sherlock all play in a modern day setting that resembles our universe
  • So do Supernatural, IM and DW, but they have far to much influence on the time line of their respective universes, to be considered as one.
  • PotC plays in the past and is most likely fiction in both House and TBBT

To summarize that, we have:

  1. TBBT and House, that could be from the same universe where all the other people are fictional
  2. DW, where at least ST and Sherlock are fictional
  3. Sherlock, where at least ST is fiction
  4. ST, where Sherlock could be fiction or history
  5. IM, where at least Sherlock is fiction (and judging from characters in an Avenger Comic, the Doctor might be not-fictional)
  6. Supernatural, where at least Sherlock and ST are fiction and
  7. PotC, where non of the fictions yet exist and that might be a possible past for TBBT and House.

That makes, let’s say, 6 universes and a different time line of one that need to come together for them to end up in the same elevator.

How would that be possible?

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